
Oct 23, 2011


Diwali or Deepavali is one of the main festivals celebrated in India. Called the festival of lights :)
Its a colourful festival as it is said that the day is celebrated the vistory of of goodness over evil.
There are very many stories being said in each part of India. But, the celebration remains the same.
Say it  buying new clothes, new things for house, bursting crackers, making and eating sweets and savouries. Sharing the same with everyone.
In southern part of India they make a special medicine which is prepared with herbal products. This is made for digestion. As you tend to eat lots of sweets and savouries. It has so much medicinal properties that not only on Diwali it can be had once or twice a week if you have cold , cough, indigestion problems.

Now check out the DIWALI Legiyum / Medicine:

Sukku/ Dry Ginger - 50 gm

Chitharathai/ Thai ginger - 50gm

Kandanthippili - 50gm

Arisithippili - 50gm

Jadikkai/ Nutmeg-1

Jadi pathiri - 1

Omam - 100gm

Milagu/Black Pepper - 200gm

Cummin Seeds (Jeeragam) - 50gm

Cloves (Krambu) - 1
Cardamom(Elakkai) - 6

Virali Manjal/ Turmeric pcs - 4 nos.

Jaggery - 500 gm
Gingelly Oil / Til oil - 5-6 tbs
Honey - 3tbs

1. Dry roast Sukku, Chitharathai, Kandathippili, Arisithippili, Jadikkai, Jadi Pathiri, Omam, Milagu, Jeeragam and Cloves one by one and make it to a fine powder, sieve it well and keep it aside.

2. In a heavy bottom pan add
Jaggery and make syrup. You cna add half glass of water if needed. Make sure it has a sticky consistency and not string consistency. TAKE JAGGERY equvivalent to the powder that is sieved.
3. Now add the sieved powder to the jaggery syrup and stir continuously keep adding gingelly oil and ghee little by little till the paste does not stick to the pan. A small amount of honey may be added to enhance the taste but it is optional.

4. Make sure the mixture takes away the oil and ghee and after few minutes leaves out the same at the pan ends. Keep stirring as it make catch the pan.
Remove from heat and allow it cool.
Store it in an air tight container. Give it to your kith and kin before they start eating the sweets or after they have finished.