
Jul 30, 2017

Apple Crumble

Simple Apple Crumble. Best with Vanilla Icecream.

2  - pink or green apples
200gms  - Maida or Refined flour
200gms  - Brown Sugar
50gms    - Finely chopped nuts
20gms    - Unsalted Butter
2 drops  - Vanilla essence

1. Slice the apples lenghtwise.
2. Caramelise brown sugar in a pan.
3. Add in the apples and saute till they turn soft.
4. Add few drops of vanilla essence.
5. In a separate bowl mix butter and Maida roughly with had bringing it to a powdered consistency.
6. Add half of the broken nuts.
7. In a greased bowl add in the Apple mixture and over it add the Maida powder.
8. Add remaining nuts if you like some burnt ones.
9. Pre heat Owen at 180c.
10. Place the bowl and bake for 20 to 25min depending upon your Owens instructions.
11. Serve hot with ice cream.